FFA Job Kihumba

Executive Director, Corporate Finance

Job has had a distinguished career in Kenya’s capital markets, corporate management, and international services trade. With a rich background in diverse sectors, he has made significant contributions to the investment industry and beyond.

As the first CEO of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), he was instrumental in shaping Kenya’s capital markets landscape. His leadership was instrumental in driving growth and innovation within the exchange, setting the stage for its continued success.

Throughout his career, Job has held key positions across various organizations, both locally and internationally. At SIB, he has led the Corporate Finance and Advisory team since its formation. Under his guidance, the team has successfully executed over 25 corporate finance transactions in Kenya and East Africa worth billions of shillings. His deep understanding of market dynamics has enabled SIB to deliver exceptional results for its clients.

Job’s extensive experience makes him a valuable asset to both SIB and the larger financial community.

SIB Leadership