Job Kihumba

Executive Director – Corporate Finance

Job joined SIB in 2005 to assist James in introducing compliance and risk systems within the company. In addition, Job took over the Research and Corporate Finance/Transaction Advisory departments. Job has led the Corporate Finance and Advisory team to deliver over 25 corporate finance transactions in Kenya and within the East Africa Region.


He has considerable experience in the capital markets and served as the first CEO of the Nairobi Securities Exchange. He has also served in corporate and general management of various organizations and international services trade where he has consulted both locally and abroad and in business development services. He has attended many courses and programmes internationally in capital markets development, financial and investment analysis, management development, among others. He has interest in small business development, corporate governance, sustainable development and climate change matters.
He is a Commonwealth Certified Trainer in Corporate Governance. He is member of a number of professional bodies including the Institute of Certified Secretaries, Institute of Certified of Investment and Financial Analysts, Kenya Institute of Management, Institute of Directors and holds an MBA from Buckingham Management Centre, UK; among other qualifications.

Job has served and continues to serve in many corporate boards both in the public and private sectors.


SIB Najah Leadership